The subject of this manual is the use of satellite imagery in operational weather forecasting as well as in synoptic research in combination with other meteorological data, especially relevant numerical parameter fields. This combined use is a major requirement for an optimal detection of ongoing physical processes in synoptic research and an urgent need in operational forecasting to overcome the problem of an excessive amount of material on the forecasters bench.

The physical-meteorological evaluation of a combination of such different data like descriptions of image structures, irregular distributed point measurements from synoptic observations and numerical parameter fields on a defined grid is not a simple task. There is, however, one tool already widely used in synoptic research and operations - the Conceptual Model.

Examples showing the usefulness as well as a definition of conceptual models have been derived among European countries in the frame of the COST 78 action (Development of forecasting techniques):

Definition of conceptual models

The recommended way of synthesizing knowledge is by reference to the so-called conceptual model. Based on existing literature the following definition has been derived:

A conceptual model describes essential features of a meteorological phenomenon and identifies the principal processes taking place.

A complete conceptual model provides a:

Role of conceptual models for nowcasting

Conceptual models provide the meteorologist with:

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