Forschung / Geophysik / Publikationen / Publikationen - 2013

Publikationen - 2013

Nachstehend finden Sie die Publikationen der Abteilung Geophysik aus dem Jahre 2013.

Publikationen GEOPHYSIK 2013

Neubauer W., Doneus M., Trinks I., Verhoven G., Hinterleitner A., Seren S., Löcker K. 2013. Long-term integrated archaeological prospection at the Roman town of Carnuntum/Austria – Archaeological Survey and the City. Oxbow Books, Oxford, UK. P 202-221.

Pesaresi, D., Lenhardt, W., Rauch, M., Zivcic, M., Steiner, R., Fabris, P. & Bertoni, M. 2013. The Interreg IV Italia-Austria SEISMOSAT Project: connecting Seismic Data Centers via Satellite. Advances in Geosciences, submitted.

Egli R. 2013. VARIFORC: An optimized protocol fort calculating non-regular first-order reversal curve (FORC) diagrams, Global and Planetary Change, doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2013.08.003.

Ludwig, P, Egli, R., Bishop, S., Chernenko, V., Frederichs, T., Rugel, G., Merchel, S. & Orgeira, M.-J. 2013. Characterization of primary and secondary magnetite in marine sediment by combining chemical and magnetic unmixing techniques, Global and Planetary Change, doi:10.1016/ 

Lenhardt, W.A. 2013. Mine collapses and their effect on surface structures. Vienna Congress on Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 2013 (VEESD 2013). 28-30 August 2013, Vienna, Austria, Paper No. 103.

Nasir, A., Lenhardt, W., Hintersberger, E. & Decker, K. 2013. Assessing the completeness of historical and instrumental earthquake data in Austria and surrounding areas. Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 106/1, 90-102.

Egli, R., F. Florindo, and A.P. Roberts 2013. Introduction to ’Magnetic iron minerals in sediment and their relation to geologic processes, climate, and the geomagnetic field’, Editorial, Global and Planetary Change, 110, 259-263.

Leonhardt, R., J. Matzka, M., Wack, 2013. MagPy – a python based software for analysing  geomagnetic observatory measurements. In Proceedings of the XVth IAGA workshop on geomagnetic observatory instruments, data acquisition and processing, Real Instituto y Observatorio de la Armada en San Fernando Boletin Roa N.º 3/201.

Kendrick, J. E., Lavallée, Y. , Hess, K.-U., De Angelis, S., Ferk, A., Gaunt, H. E., Dingwell, D. B. & Leonhardt, R. 2013. Seismogenic frictional melting in the magmatic column, Solid Earth Discuss., 5, 1659-1686.

Hammerl, Ch 2013. Der Österreichische Erdbebendienst an der Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik - von Victor Conrad bis heute. Tagungsband 73. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft. 4.-7.März 2013.

Bokelmann, G., Hammerl, Ch., Lenhardt, W., Meurers, B.2013. Geophysik in Wien: Gestern und Heute. Tagungsband 73. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft. 4.-7.März 2013.

Hammerl, Ch. & Lenhardt, W.A. 2013. Erdbeben in Wien. In: smart city. Wiener Know-how aus Wissenschaft und Forschung. Bohmann Verlag.

Hammerl, Ch. & Lenhardt, W.A. 2013. Earthquakes in Vienna. In: smart city. Viennese expertise based on science and research. Bohmann Verlag.

Seren S., Trinks I., Hinterleitner A. & Neubauer W. 2013. The Anomaly that wasn´t there – On the visibility of archaeological prospection anomalies and their causative structure in the subsurface. 10. International Conference on Archaeological Prospections in Vienna/Austria. Proceedings, page 252-254.

Neubauer W., Seren S., Hinterleitner A., Doneus M., Löcker K., Trinks I., Nau E., Pregesbauer M., Kucera M. & Verhoeven G. 2013. The Discovery of a Gladiatorial School at Carnuntum. 10. International Conference on Archaeological Prospections in Vienna/Austria. Proceedings, page 423-426.

Neubauer W., Flöry S., Trinks I., Hinterleitner A., Löcker K. & Seren S. 2013. High-Resolution Multi-Channel GPR Survey of the Roman Town Flavia Solva in Austria. 10. International Conference on Archaeological Prospections in Vienna/Austria. Proceedings, page 171-172.

Bill J., Nau E., Neubauer W., Trinks I., Tonnig C., Gustavsen L., Paasche K. & Seren, S. 2013 Contextualising a Monumental Burial – The Gokstad Revitalised Project. 10. International Conference on Archaeological Prospections in Vienna/Austria. Proceedings, page 134-136.

Linck, R., Buckreuss, S. & Seren S. 2013. Determination of the Applicability of high-Resolution X-Band Satellite Radar for Archaeological Prospection by a Comparison with a Ground –Based Survey. 10. International Conference on Archaeological Prospections in Vienna/Austria. Proceedings, page 41-43.

Saey, T., Van Meirvenne, M., De Smedt, P., Neubauer, W., Trinks, I., Verhoeven, G & Seren, S. 2013. Integrating multi-receiver electromagnetic induction measurements into the interpretation of the soil landscape around the school of gladiators at Carnuntum. European Jurnal of Soil Science, October 2013; 64, page 716-727.