Publikationen - 2022
Nachstehend finden Sie die Publikationen der Abteilung Geophysik aus dem Jahre 2022.
Publikationen GEOPHYSIK 2022
A. Begutachtete Publikationen
- Albert, D., Schachinger, P., Bailey, R. L., Renner, H., Achleitner, G. (2022). Analysis of long-term GIC measurements in Transformers in Austria. Space Weather, 20, e2021SW 002912. - Amor, M., Wan, Juan, Egli, R., Carlut, J., Gatel, C., Andersen, I. M., Snoeck, E., Komeili, A. (2022). Key signatures of magnetofossils elucidated by mutant magnetotactic bacteria and micromagnetic calculations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127, e2021JB023239. - Bailey, R. L., Leonhardt, R., Moestl, C., Beggan, C., Reiss, M. A., Bhaskar, A., Weiss, A. J. (2022). Forecasting GICs and geoelectric fields from solar wind data using LSTMs: application in Austria. Space Weather, 20, e2021SW002907. - Daxer, C., Ortler, M., Fabbri, St. C., Hilbe, M., Hajdas, I., Dubois, N., Piechl, Th., Hammerl, Ch., Strasser, M., Moernaut, J. (2022). High-resolution calibration of seismically-induced lacustrine deposits with historical earthquake data in the Eastern Alps (Carinthia, Austria). Quaternary Science Reviews, 284, 107497. 2022.107497. - Daxer, C., Huang, J. J. S., Weginger, S., Hilbe, M., Strasser, M., Moernaut, J. (2022). Validation of seismic hazard curves using a calibrated 14 ka lacustrine record in the Eastern Alps, Austria. Scientific Reports, 12, 19943. - Font, E., Duarte, L. V., Dekkers, M. J., Remazeilles, C., Egli, R., Spangenberg, J. E., Fantasia, A., Ribeiro, J., Gomes, E., Mirão, J., Adatte, T. (2022). Rapid light carbon releases and increased aridity linked to Karoo-Ferrar magmatism during the early Toarcian oceanic anoxic event. Scientific Reports, 12, 4342. - Forte, M., Trinks, I., Hinterleitner, A., Klein, M., LoPiano, A., McCusker, K., Schiel, H., Schlögel, I., Trausmuth, T., Vonkilch, A., Wallner, M., Neubauer, W. (2022). Multimodal remote sensing applications in the Etruscan-Roman city of Vulci. Journal of Field Archaeology, 47, 501–521. - Gallistl, J., Schwindt, D., Birgit, J., Aigner, L., Peresson, M., Flores Orozco, A. (2022). Quantification of soil textural and hydraulic properties in a complex conductivity imaging framework: Results from the Wolfsegg slope. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 911611. - Gilmutdinov, I., Schlögel, I., Hinterleitner, A., Wonka, P., Wimmer, M. (2022). Assessment of Material Layers in Building Walls Using GeoRadar. Remote Sensing, 14, 5038. - Gugl, C., Radbauer, S., Wallner, M., Pollhammer, E. (2022). Die Vorstädte der Colonia Septimia Aurelia Antoniniana Carnuntum. In: S. Bíró (Hrsg.), Pannonia Underground. Proceedings of the international conference held at Szombathely in November 2021 (Szombathely 2022), 89–119, ISBN 978 963 9827 42 4.
- Hoppenbrock, J., Bücker, M., Gallistl, J., Flores Orozco, A., Pita de la Paz, C., García García, C.E., Razo Pérez, J.A., Buckel, J., Pérez, L. (2022). Evaluation of lake sediment thickness from water-borne electrical resistivity tomography data. Sensors, 21, 8053. - Mao, X., R. Egli, X. Liu, L. Zhao (2022). Magnetotactic advantage in stable sediment by long-term observations of magnetotactic bacteria in Earth’s field, zero field, and alternating field. PLoS ONE, 17, e0263593. - Möstl, C., Weiss, A. J., Bailey, R. L., Reiss, M. A., Amerstorfer, T., Hinterreiter, J., Bauer, M., Barnes, D., Davies, J. A., Harrison, R. A., von Forstner, J., Davies, E. E., Heyner, D., Horbury, T., Bale, S. D. (2022). Multipoint interplanetary coronal mass ejections observed with Solar Orbiter, BepiColombo, Parker Solar Probe, Wind and STEREO-A. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 924:L6. - Philippe, E. G. H., Valet, J.-P., St-Onge, G., Egli, R. (2022). Impact of turbulence on magnetic alignment in sediments. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 10:1079229. - Roberts, A. P., Heslop, D., Zhao, X., Oda, H., Egli, R., Harrison, R. J., Hu, P., Muxworthy, A. R., Sato, T. (2022). Unlocking information about fine magnetic particle assemblages from first-order reversal curve diagrams: Recent advances. Earth-Science Reviews, 227, 103950. - Rüdisser, H. T., Windisch, A., Amerstorfer, U. V., Möstl, C., Amerstorfer, T., Bailey, R. L., Reiss, M. A. (2022). Automatic detection of interplanetary coronal mass ejections in solar wind in situ data. Space Weather, 20, e2022SW003149. - Scheidt, S., Lenz, M., Egli, R., Brill, D., Klug, M., Fabian, K., Lenz, M. M., Gromig, R., Rethemeyer, J., Wagner, B., Federov, G., Melles, M. (2022). A 62-ka geomagnetic paleointensity record from the Taymyr Peninsula, Russian Arctic. Geochronology, 4, 87–107. - Suraj, M. V., Egli, R., Dodrill, B.C., Tan, S., Ohodnicki Jr. P.R. (2022). Understanding magnetic interactions and reversal mechanisms in a spinodally decomposed cobalt ferrite using first order reversal curves. AIP Advances, in press.
- Teichmann, M., Wallner, M., Polhammer, E., Neubauer, W (2022). Wasser und seine Nutzung in der Zivilstadt von Carnuntum Überlegungen zur Aussagekraft geophysikalischer Prospektionsdaten. Babesch, 97, 133–152. - Teichmann, M., Wallner, M., Polhammer, E., Neubauer, W. (2022). Hydrotechnik und Wassernutzung in der Zivilstadt von Carnuntum. Thiasos, 11, 97–107.
- Teichmann, M., Wallner, M., Polhammer, E., Neubauer, W. (2022). Untersuchungen zu einer möglichen fullonica in der Zivilstadt von Carnuntum. Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, 52, 113–126.
- Trebsche, P., Schlögel, I., Flores‐Orozco, A. 2022. Combining geophysical prospection and core drilling: Reconstruction of a Late Bronze Age copper mine at Prigglitz‐Gasteil in the Eastern Alps (Austria). Archaeological Prospection, 29, 557–577. - Wallner, M., Doneus, M., Kowatschek, I., Hinterleitner, A., Köstelbauer, F., Neubauer, W. (2022). Interdisciplinary investigations of the Neolithic circular ditch enclosure of Velm (Lower Austria). Remote Sensing, 14, 2657. - Weiss, A. J., Nieves-Chinchilla, T., Möstl, C., Reiss, M. A., Amerstorfer, T., Bailey, R. L. (2022). Writhed Analytical Magnetic Flux Rope Model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 127, e2022JA030898. - Christoph Daxer, Marcel Ortler, Stefano C. Fabbri, Michael Hilbe, Irka Hajdas, Nathalie Dubois, Thomas Piechl, Christa Hammerl, Michael Strasser, Jasper Moernaut 2022. High-resolution calibration of seismically-induced lacustrine deposits with historical earthquake data in the Eastern Alps (Carinthia, Austria). Quaternary Science Reviews Volume 284, 15 May 2022, 107497.
B. Weitere Schriften
- Glaßmeier, K.-H., Leonhardt, R. (2022). Das Magnetfeld der Erde: Gestern, heute und morgen. In: Geophysik im Wandel, Sonderausgabe DGG100 der Deutschen Geophysikalische Gesellschaft e.V.
- Lenhardt, W., Steiner, R. (2022). Die Erdbebenstation bei Bad Ischl. Mitteilungen der Ischler Heimatvereins, eingereicht.
- Meurers, R. (2022). Erdbeben in Österreich – Jahresrückblick 2021. Versicherungsrundschau, Ausgabe 1-2/22, 4–8.
- Thysell, E., Löcker, K., Wallner, M. (2022). Die Römer und ihr Sinn für Ordnung, Tabula rasa und Neukonzeption eines Siedlungsbereichs in Lauriacum/Enns. Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für Landeskunde und Denkmalpflege Oberösterreich, 167, 29–56.
C. Beiträge zu Konferenzen und Workshops
- Albert, D., Schachinger, P., Bailey, R. (2022). Geomagnetically induced currents and Space Weather prediction in Austria. Space Weather Workshop, Graz (Austria), 26–28.04.2022,
- Apoloner, M.-Th. (2022). Seismic Monitoring for Deep Geothermal Projects in Austria. PANGEO, 10-13/09/2022, Leoben (Austria).
- Apoloner, M-Th., Schlögel, I., Weginger, S. (2022). Die „Geräusche der Erde“ rund um und im Traunsee – Projekt TiefenRausch. PANGEO, 10–13/09/2022, Leoben (Austria).
- Bailey, R. L., Leonhardt, R., Möstl, C., Beggan, C., Reiss, M., Bhaskar, A. and Weiss, A. (2022). Building a GIC forecasting tool based on geomagnetic and solar wind data: challenges and future avenues. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 23–27.05.2022, EGU22-4570.
- 5. Bailey, R., Leonhardt, R., Achleitner, G., Albert, D., Amerstorfer, T., Beck, P., Krauss, S., Latocha, M., Möstl, C., Nakamura, R., Reiss, M., Schachinger, P., Schönhuber, M., Schweitzer, S., Temmer, M., Veronig, A. (2022). SWAP: Establishing a network of space weather researchers and stakeholders in Austria. 18th European Space Weather Week, 24–28.10.2022, Zagreb (Croatia).
- Bailey, R., Moestl, C., Reiss, M., Weiss, A., Amerstorfer, U., Amerstorfer, T., Eastwood, J. P., Leonhardt, R. and Magnes, W. (2022). The geomagnetic Vigil: How useful are measurements at L5 for forecasting a geomagnetic index like Dst? AGU Fall Meeting 2022, 12-16.12.2022, Chicago (USA).
- Bokelmann, G., Meier, Th., Kolínsk, P, Lenhardt, W., Jia, Y. (2022). The AdriaArray project. PANGEO, 10–13/09/2022, Leoben (Austria).
- Bondár, I., Šindelářová, Th., Ghica, D., Mitterbauer, U., Liashchuk, A., Baše, J., Chum, J., Czanik, C., Neagoe, C., Pásztor, M., Le Pichon, A. (2022). The Central and Eastern European Infrasound Network. 3rd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (3ECEES), Bukarest (Romania), 4–9 September 2022.
- Egli, R. (2022). Key signatures of magnetofossils: recent results. 17th Castle Meeting – New Trends on Paleo, Rock and Environmental Magnetism, 28.08–03.09.2022, Trakošćan (Croatia).
- Egli, R. (2022). Magnetic mineralogy of sediments and its geological implications. Geo MinKöln – the Annual Conference of the Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft, 11–15 September 2022.
- Gallistl, J., Bano, G., Schlögel, I. (2022). Detecting infiltration pathways by means of multi-method geophysical interpretation: an urban case study. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 23–27.05.2022, EGU22-6851.
- Ghica, D., Mitterbauer, U., Ionescu, C. (2022). Tracking repeating explosive sources at near-regional ranges using seismo-acoustic analysis. 3rd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (3ECEES), Bukarest (Romania), 4–9 September 2022.
- Hoppenbrock, J., Bücker, M., Gallistl, J., Flores Orozco, A., Aigern, L., Moser, C., Buckel, J., Pérez, L. (2022). 3D-Inverison von Gleichstromgeoelektrikdaten zur Erkundung von Seesedimente. 82. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, 7–10.03.2022.
- Hoppenbrock, J., Bücker, M., Gallistl, J., Flores Orozco, A., Aigner, L., Moser, C., Pita de la Paz, C., Garcia Garcia, C.E., Razo Perez, J.A., Buckel, J. and Pérez, L. Evaluation of lake sediment thickness from water-borne electrical resistivity tomography data. IAL-IPA Joint Meeting, Barcelona (Spain), 27.11–01.12.2022.
- Lenhardt, W.A., Apoloner, M.-Th., Hausmann, H., Haberler, A. (2022). Ferndetektion alpiner Massenbewegungen. 24. Geoforum Umhausen, 20–21.10.2022, 25–32.
- Lenhardt, W.A., Apoloner, M.-Th., Hausmann, H., Haberler, A. (2022). Ferndetektion alpiner Massenbewegungen. DACH Tagung (gemeinsame Sitzung der Deutschen Geodätischen Kommission, der Österreichischen Geodätischen Kommission, und der Schweizer Geodätischen Kommission), Innsbruck, 20.9.2022.
- Leonhardt, R. (2022). Variations of the Earth magnetic field: From geomagnetic storms to field reversal. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 23–27.05.2022, EGU22-8343.
- Mitterbauer, U. (2022). Challenges of the Infrasound Array in Austria. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 23–27.05.2022, EGU22-9401,, 2022.
- Mitterbauer, U., Apoloner, M.-T., Maurer, Ch., Sterba, J.H. (2022). Participation of the Austrian NDC in the NPE2019-Exercise. NDC Workshop 22, Toledo (Spain), 3–7 October 2022.
- 20. Möstl, C., Weiss, A. J., Bailey, R. L., Reiss, M. A., Amerstorfer, T., Amerstorfer, U., Bauer, M., Rüdisser, H. T., Barnes, D., Davies, J. A., Harrison, R. A., Laker, R., Horbury, T., Heyner, D., Bale, S. (2022). Predicting the Bz magnetic field component in solar coronal mass ejections. 18th European Space Weather Week, 24–28.10.2022, Zagreb (Croatia).
- Suraj, M. V., Egli, R., Dodrill, B. C., Tan, S., Ohodnicki Jr., P.R. (2022). Understanding magnetization reversal mechanisms and exchange interactions in nanostructured cobalt ferrites using first order reversal curves (FORC). MMM 2022 – 67th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 31.10–4.11.2002, Minneapolis (USA).
- Reiss, M. A., Möstl, C., Bailey, R., Rüdisser, H., Amerstorfer, U., Amerstorfer, T., Weiss, A., Hinterreiter, J., Windisch, A. (2022). Can Machine Learning solve the “Bz Problem” in Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections? 18th European Space Weather Week, 24–28.10.2022, Zagreb (Croatia).
- Reiss, M., Möstl, C., Bailey, R., Rüdisser, H., Amerstorfer, U., Amerstorfer, T., Weiss, A., Hinterreiter, J., Windisch, A. (2022). Predicting the Bz magnetic field component from upstream in situ observations of coronal mass ejections using machine learning. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 23–27.05.2022, EGU22-4842.
- 24. Rüdisser, H. T., Windisch, A., Amerstorfer, U. V., Möstl, C., Bailey, R. L., Amerstorfer, T. (2022). Automatic detection of interplanetary coronal mass ejections in solar wind in situ data. 18th European Space Weather Week, 24–28.10.2022, Zagreb (Croatia).
- Savranskaia, T., Korte, M., Panovska, S., Egli, R. (2022). Assessment of different components of cosmogenic beryllium records. 17th Castle Meeting – New Trends on Paleo, Rock and Environmental Magnetism, 28.08–03.09.2022, Trakošćan (Croatia).
- Scheidt, S., Lenz, M., Egli, R., Brill, D., Klug, M., Fabian, K., Lenz, M. M., Gromig, R., Rethemeyer, J., Wagner, B., Federov, G., Melles, M. (2022). The high-resolution relative paleointensity record from Lake Levinson-Lessing, northern Central Siberia. 17th Castle Meeting – New Trends on Paleo, Rock and Environmental Magnetism, 28.08–03.09.2022, Trakošćan (Croatia).
- Schlögel, I., Hinterleitner, A., Honic, M. (2022). Materialbestimmung von Gebäudeteilen mittels Ground Penetrating Radar. PANGEO, 10–13/09/2022, Leoben (Austria).
- Schnepp, E., Engbers, Y., Arneitz, P., Egli, R., Scholger, R., Ganerød, M., Leonhardt, R., Biggin, A. (2022). A Miocene polarity transition recorded in a volcanic section on St. Helena, South Atlantic. PANGEO, 10–13/09/2022, Leoben (Austria).
- Schnepp, E., Arneitz, P., Ganerød, M., Scholger, R., Egli, R., Fritz, I., Leonhardt, R. (2022). Intermediate Field Directions Recorded in Pliocene Basalts in Styria (Austria): Evidence for cryptochron C2r.2r-1. PANGEO, 10–13/09/2022, Leoben (Austria).
- Strasser, M., Moernaut, J., Daxer, Ch., Oswald, P., Fabbri, St., Hammerl, Ch., Kapski, J., Weginger, S. (2022). Updates from Lake Paleoseismology as contribution to improve seismic hazard assessment and awareness of secondary earthquake effects in Austria. PANGEO, 10–13/09/2022, Leoben (Austria).
- Wallner, M. et. al. (2022). Interdisziplinäre Untersuchungen der dreifachen Kreisgrabenanlage von Velm (NÖ). Ritualarena, Kalenderbau oder performative Architektur? Neue Hypothesen und Forschungen zu neolithischen Kreisgrabenanlagen 5000-4500 BC, Online-workshop 27-29 January 2022, Institut für Prähistorische Archäologie, Freie Universität Berlin.
- Weiss, A., Nieves-Chinchilla, T., Möstl, C., Reiss, M., Hinterreiter, J., Amerstorfer, T., Bailey, R. (2022). Analytical Modelling of Curved Cylindrical Flux Ropes. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 23–27.05.2022, EGU22-8406.
- Lenhardt, W.A., Apoloner, M.-Th., Hausmann, H. & Haberler, A. 2022. Ferndetektion alpiner Massenbewegungen. 20.9.2022, Geodätentagung, Innsbruck.
D. Seminare und wissenschaftliche Kommunikation
- Arneitz, P. (2022). Some aspects of the geomagnetic field behavior on different time scales from instrumental, archeo- and paleomagnetic observations. Seminar, GFZ Potsdam.
- Lenhardt, W.A. (2022). Klima in Bewegung. Vortrag in drei Teilen für Dr. Dietrich.
- Mitterbauer, U., Vogelmann, A. (2022). Wenn die Erde bebt… Lange Nacht der Forschung und Girlsday in Österreich.
- Mitterbauer, U. (2022). Vulkane. Lange Nacht der Forschung und Girlsday in Österreich.