Publikationen vor 2009
Jann A. 2006. Genetic algorithms: Towards their use in the homogenization of climatological records. Croatian Meteorological Journal, 41, 3-19
Wang Y, Haiden T, Kann A. 2006. The operational Limited Area Modelling system at ZAMG: Aladin-Austria. Österreichische Beiträge zu Meteorologie und Geophysik, 37, ISSN 1016-6254
Kann A, Haiden T. 2004. The August 2002 flood event in Austria: Sensitivity of precipitation forecast skill to areal and temporal averaging. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 14/3, 369-377
Jann A. 2002. Use of a simple pattern recognition approach for the detection of ridge lines and stripes. Meteorol. Appl., 9, 357-365
Jann A. 2000. Multiple change-point detection with a genetic algorithm. Soft Computing, 4, 68-75
Wang Y, Wittmann C, Kann A. Bouttier F, Pailleux J. 2008. ZAMG/METEO-FRANCE’s Participation on WMO/WWRP Project B08RDP, ALADIN Newsletter 33
Wirth A, Jann A. 2008. A method for recognizing fog and low cloud in MSG satellite images. In: Short range forecasting methods of fog, visibility and low clouds, COST Action 722 Final Report. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 117-124
Wirth A, Jann A, Zeiner B. 2008. On the use of complex empirical orthogonal functions for the temporal interpolation of NWP, radar and satellite data. Proceedings, 2008 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, Darmstadt, 8-12 September 2008, EUMETSAT P. 52, ISBN 978-92-9110-082-8, ISSN 1011-3932, 8pp
Auer M, Jann A, Wirth A. 2007. Die Kombination von Radar- und Satellitendaten für die kurzfristige Unwetterwarnung mittels SMS über personenbezogene Positionsbestimmung. Meteorologentagung DACH 2007, 1
Kann A, Wang Y. 2007. ALADIN Limited Area Ensemble Forecasting Experiments (LAEF) experiments: Dealing with Uncertainties in the LBC. ALADIN Newsletter 31
Kann A, Wittmann C, Wang Y. 2007. The (pre-) operational status of ALADIN Limited Area Ensemble Forecasting (LAEF). ALADIN Newsletter, 32
Leroch S, Kann A, Wang Y. 2007. LACE contribution to MAP D-PHASE. ALADIN Newsletter, 32
Scipal K, Drusch M, Hasenauer S, Wagner W, Jann A. 2007. Towards the assimilation of scatterometer derived soil moisture in the ECMWF numerical weather prediction model. Proceedings, Joint 2007 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference and the 15th Satellite Meteorology & Oceanography Conference of the American Meteorological Society, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 24-28 September 2007, EUMETSAT P.50, ISBN 92-9110-079-X, 8pp
Bazile E, Wimmer F, Seity Y, Wang Y. 2006. Impact of the horizontal resolution and the microphysical parameterization on the quantitative precipitation forecasting over Austria. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8, 08746
Kann A, Wang Y. 2006. ALADIN Limited Area Ensemble Forecasting Experiments (LAEF) experiments: Multiphysics downscaling of PEARP. ALADIN Newsletter 30
Wang Y. 2006. LAMEPS Development of ALADIN LACE, Proceedings of the 28th EWGLAM and 13th SRNWP meetings, 9-12 October 2006, Zürich, Switzerland
Wang Y, Kann A. 2006. ALADIN Limited Area Ensemble Forecasting (LAEF). ALADIN Newsletter, 29
Wang Y, Kann A, Ma X, Tian W. 2006. Dealing with the uncertainties in the initial conditions in ALADIN-LAEF. Proceedings of the 1st MAP D-PHASE scientific meeting, 6-8 November 2006, Vienna, Austria, 10-13
Wang Y, Kann A, Ma X, Tian W, Wang W. 2006. ALADIN Limited Area Ensemble Forecasting (LAEF). Proceedings of the second THORPEX Internation Science Symposium, WMO/TD No. 1355, WWRP/THORPEX No. 7, 266-267
Wang Y, Bazile E. 2004. Impact study of MAP IOP2b observations on the mesoscale numerical simulation. Preprint volume of the 11th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, 21-25.6.2004, Mount Washington, USA
Wang Y, Kann A, Haiden T, Stadlbacher K, Seidl H, Wimmer F. 2004. ALADIN-AUSTRIA: Increasing the vertical resolution in ALADIN. ALADIN Newsletter, 26
Wang Y, Pailleux J, Montmerle T, Guidard V, Bölöni G, Randriamapianina R, Sahlaoui Z. 2004. Impact studies performed with the LAM system ALADIN. Proceedings of the third WMO workshop on the impact of various observing systems on numerical weather prediction, WMO/TD, 1228, 249-255
Wirth A, Zeiner B, Zwatz-Meise V. 2004. Fog Detection and Convective Cell Life Cycle Evaluation from MSG Images. Proceedings of EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 31 May - 4 June 2004, 173-178
Zeiner B, Zwatz-Meise V. 2004. Model Error Detection by Using Simulated Satellite Images. Proceedings of EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 31 May - 4 June 2004, 280-287
Jann A, Wirth A, Zwatz-Meise V. 2003. Automatic SATREP – a useful tool for forecasters. Proceedings, The 2003 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, Weimar, Germany, 360-367
Wang Y, Bazile E. 2003. Impact of the topography and LBC on the ALADIN precipitation forecast. ALADIN Newsletter, 24
Wang Y, Bazile E, Bouyssel F, Geleyn J-F, Giard D, Piriou J-M, Ahrens B, Haiden T. 2003. Improvment of the precipitation forecast over complex mountainous area by NWP model ALADIN, Final report of the project V14 ÖAD AMADEE Programme 2001-2002, 13pp
Zeiner B, Wirth A, Zwatz-Meise V. 2003. The applicability of MSG channels for the conceptual model approach. Proceedings of EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, Weimar, Germany, 29 September - 3 October 2003, 212-218
Csekits C, Jann A, Wirth A, Zwatz-Meise V. 2002. Convective cells as one main topic in the nowcasting system of the Austrian Meteorological Service: Description of the precipitation nowcasting tool. Proceedings, The 2002 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Data Users' Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 2-6 September 2002, 355-361
Csekits C, Jann A, Zwatz-Meise V. 2002. Detection of numerical model errors with the help of simulated satellite images. Proceedings, The 2002 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Data Users' Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 2-6 September 2002, 178-184
Seidl H, Kann A. 2002. New approaches to stratus diagnosis in ALADIN. ALADIN Newsletter, 22
Wang Y. 2002. Diagnosis of ALADIN precipitation forecast over mountains. ALADIN Newsletter, 21
Zwatz-Meise V, Wirth A. 2002. Training in Satellite Meteorology at the Austrian Met-Service and Vienna University: Proceedings, The 2002 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference.
Ahrens B, Wang Y, Jasper K. 2001. On ALADIN quantitative precipitation forecast in Vienna, ALADIN Newsletter, 19
Csekits C, Jann A, Wirth A, Zwatz-Meise V. 2001. The use of satellite imagery and satellite-derived quantities to identify and correct NWP model errors. Proceedings, The 2001 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Data Users' Conference, 1-5 October 2001, Antalya, Turkey, 604-611
Wirth A, Jann A, Zwatz-Meise V. 2001. Die automatische Erkennung konzeptioneller Modelle in Satellitenbildern mit Methoden der Objekterkennung. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Vermessung und Geoinformation, 89, 142-144.
Wirth A, Zwatz-Meise V. 2001. Automatic Recognition of a Comma Structure from Meteosat Satellite Images. Proceedings of the 2001 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference.
Csekits C, Zwatz-Meise V, Jann A. 2000. Automatic detection of convective cells – a nowcast module at the Austrian meteorological service. Proceedings, The 2000 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Data Users' Conference, 29 May – 2 June 2000, Bologna, Italy, 715-721
Wirth A, Jann A, Zwatz-Meise V. 2000. ASII: First results of the SAF NWC demonstrator experiment. Proceedings, The 2000 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Data Users' Conference, 29 May – 2 June 2000, Bologna, Italy, 779-786