Climate / Climate Data

Climate Data

In this area ZAMG provides access to selected climate data like monthly and yearly climate reports, annals etc. for free.

Information about more detailed enquiries relating to climate data, climate expertices and consultings is available from Climate Customer Service.

Climate reports

Every month a detailed climate report with text, tables and diagrams is released.

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Within the Annal audited climate data from all austrian meteorological stations is officially published.

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Climate Monitor
Daily updated climate diagrams allow to compare the current weather with meteorological long term time series. more  •••
GeoSphere Austria is an institution under public law and subject to supervison by the
Federal Ministry Republic of Austria Education, Science and Research
© GeoSphere Austria
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Phone: +43 1 36 0 26
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to the Weatherwarnings for today to the Weatherwarnings for tomorrow to the Weatherwarnings for the day after tomorrow to the Weatherwarnings for day 4 to the Weatherwarnings for day 5 to the Weatherwarnings for today to the Warningssystem
Sonnblick Observatory
Sonnblick Observatory (© ZAMG)
Teaser ZAMG Phenology