Geophysics / Applied Geophysics

Applied Geophysics


All geophysical methods - such as seismics, magnetics, geoelectrics and georadar - are utilized to investigate subsurface structures, hidden waste dumps, sinkholes, groundwater, mineral deposits and archaeological artefacts. With the exception of seismics, all other methods do not disturb the subsoil structure and thus permit a non-intrusive scanning of the underground.

We provide:

  • Archeoprospections ®
  • General terrain investigation
  • Rock characteristic forecasting in tunnel developments


We are pleased to share our experience and knowledge with you. Questions may be addressed to

GeoSphere Austria is an institution under public law and subject to supervison by the
Federal Ministry Republic of Austria Education, Science and Research
© GeoSphere Austria
1190 Vienna, Hohe Warte 38
Phone: +43 1 36 0 26
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