Geophysics / Team and Contact

Team and Contact

Regarding earthquakes in Austria, the geomagnetic field and applied geophysics
such as archaeological ground Surveys, please contact us.


Geophysical Department:

1190 Vienna, Hohe Warte 38
phone: +43 1 36026 2508


Head of Geophysical Department: Dr. Wolfgang Lenhardt

Seismology: Dr. Yan Jia, M.Sc., B.Sc.

Geomagnetism and Gravity: Dr. Ramon Egli

Applied Geophysics: Dr. Ingrid Schlögel

Instrumentation: Dipl.Ing. Rudolf Steiner

Conrad Observatory: Dr. Mag. Roman Leonhardt

Secretariat: Jennifer Deim


Contact personDivisionEmailTelephone
DEIM Jennifer Geophysics+43(0)1 36026 2502
EGLI Ramon Bruno Dr.Geophysics+43(0)1 36026 2503
FREUDENTHALER-PASCHER Christiane Mag.Seismology+43(0)1 36026 2547
HAMMERL Christa Dr.Seismology+43(0)1 36026 2516
HAUSMANN Helmut Dipl.-Ing.Seismology+43(0)1 36026 2504
HORN Nikolaus Seismology+43(0)1 36026 2521
JIA Yan Dr., M.Sc., B.Sc.Seismology+43(0)1 36026 2523
LEICHTER Barbara Geomagnetics/Gravimetry+43(0)1 36026 2515
LEONHARDT Roman Mag. Dr.Conrad Observatory+43(0)1 36026 2507
LÖCKER Klaus Applied Geophysics+43(0)1 36026 2526
MEURERS Rita Mag.Seismology+43(0)1 36026 2514
MITTERBAUER Ulrike Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn.Seismology+43(0)1 36026 2527
SCHLÖGEL Ingrid Dipl.-Ing. Dr.Applied Geophysics+43(0)1 36026 2506
STEINER Rudolf Dipl.-Ing.Geophysical Electronics+43(0)1 36026 2520
VOGELMANN Anton Seismology+43(0)1 36026 2529
GeoSphere Austria is an institution under public law and subject to supervison by the
Federal Ministry Republic of Austria Education, Science and Research
© GeoSphere Austria
1190 Vienna, Hohe Warte 38
Phone: +43 1 36 0 26
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