Phenology is the study of the timing of recurring biological events.
Research in this field has traditionally been anchored at the Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik. In 1851, the founding year of the ZAMG, a phenological observation network was established. Currently about 100 citizen scientists report their observations to the institute.
Today phenology holds a key role as an integrating science in interdisciplinary climate impact research. Information on the reaction and adaption of plants and animals to the effects of climate change can give further information on the impact of climate change.
As a founding member and data host of the Pan European Phenology Project PEP725, the ZAMG collaborates with other institutions on an international basis. The main objective of PEP725 is, to promote and facilitate phenological research by providing a pan European phenological database with open, unrestricted data access for science, research and education.
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