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HISTALP related Publications
pre 2003 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016
- Rubel F., Brugger K., Haslinger K., Auer I.: The climate of the European Alps: Shift of very high resolution Köppen-Geiger climate zones 1800-2100, DOI 10.1127/metz/2016/0816.; http://www.schweizerbart.de/journals/metz
- Chimani, B., Böhm R., Matulla C., Ganekind M.: Development of a longterm dataset of solid/liquid precipitation Adv.Sci.Res,6,39-43, 2011http://www.adv-sci-res.net/6/39/2011/asr-6-39-2011.html
- Auer I., Böhm R., Ganekind M., Chimani B., Schöner W., Ungersböck M., Jurkovic A., Orlik A.: An Introduction to HISTALP; Presentation at the scientific Symposium 'Climate Change in High Mountain Regions - From Understanding of the Past do Modelling of the Future'
- Böhm R, Jones PD, Hiebl J, Frank D, Brunetti M, Maugeri M, 2010. The early instrumental warm-bias: a solution for long central european temperature series 1760-2007. Climatic Change. (special edition of the Millennium-project), 101,41-67, DOI 10.1007/s10584-009-9649-4
- Dobrovolný P, Moberg A, Brázdil R, Pfister C, Glaser R, Wilson R, van Engelen A, Limanòwka D, Kiss A, Halícková M, Macková J, Riemann D, Luterbacher J, Böhm R, 2010. Monthly, seasonal and annual temperature reconstruction of Central Europe derived from documentary evidence and instrumental records since AD 1500. Climatic Change. (special edition of the Millennium-project), 101,69-107, DOI 10.1007/s10584-009-9724-x
- Zorita E, Moberg A, Leijonhufvud L, Wilson R, Brazdil R, Dobrovolny P, Luterbacher J, Böhm R, Pfister C, Rieman D, Glaser R, Söderberg J, Gonzalez-Rouco F, 2010. European temperature records of the past five centuries based on documentary/information compared to climate simulations. Climatic Change. (special edition of the Millennium-project),101, 143-168, DOI 10.1007/s10584-010-9824-7
- Böhm R, Auer I, Ganekind M, Orlik A, 2009a. Zwei Jahrhunderte Klimaschwankungen in zwei Tälern der Zentralalpen. 103.-104. Jahresberichte des Sonnblickvereins.
- Böhm R, 2009. Klimarekonstruktion in der instrumentellen Periode – Probleme und Lösungen für den Großraum Alpen. In: Psenner R, Lackner R, Borsdorf A (eds.) alpine space – man & environment: PALDAT-Sonderband., vol.6
- Reinhard Böhm, Ingeborg Auer, Wolfgang Schöner, Manfred Ganekind, Christine Gruber, Anita Jurkovic, Alexander Orlik, Markus Ungersböck, 2009. Eine neue Webseite mit instrumentellen Qualitäts-Klimadaten für den Grossraum Alpen zurück bis 1760. Wiener Mitteilungen Band 216: Hochwässer: Bemessung, Risikoanalyse und Vorhersage
- Böhm R, 2009d. Geändertes Umfeld durch Klimawandel? Modified environment due to climate change?, Wildbach und Lawinenverbau 163
- Brunetti M, Lentini G, Maugeri M, Nanni T, Auer I, Böhm R, Schöner W, 2009. Climate variability and change in the greater alpine region over the last two centuries based on multi-variable analysis. International Journal of Climatology, 29, 15, 2197-2225, DOI 10.1002/joc.1857
- Hiebl, J., Auer, I., Böhm, R., Schöner, W., Maugeri, M., Lentini, G., Spinoni, J., Brunett, M., Nanni, T., Tadi´c, M. P., Bihari, Z., Dolinar, M., Müller-Westermeier, G.: A high-resolution 1961-1990 monthly temperature climatology for the greater Alpine region, Meteorol. Z., 18(5), 507-530, 2009. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/schweiz/mz/2009/00000018/00000005/art00004
- Schöner W, Auer I, Böhm R, 2009. Long term trend of snow depth at Sonnblick (Austrian Alps) and its relation to climate change. Hydrological Processes 22: publ. online: (www.interscience.wiley.com) DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7209
- Schöner W, 2009. Paläoklimainformationen aus Kenngrößen der Gletschermassenbilanz – Beispiele für die Alpen seit der ausgehenden Kleinen Eiszeit. In: Psenner R, Lackner R, Borsdorf A (eds.) alpine space – man & environment: PALDAT-Sonderband., vol.6,
- Zebisch M, Zimmermann P, Böhm R, Auer I, Matulla C, Schöner W, 2009. Climate Change in the Alps. Chapter 2 of the EEA-report on “Regional climate change and adaptiation - The Alps facing the challenge of changing water resources”. http://reports.eea.europa.eu/
- Gruber C, Auer I, Jurkovic A 2008 Endbericht HOMDAY - Auswahl eines Verfahrens zur Homogenisierung von täglichen Klimadaten als notwendige Grundvoraussetzung zur Analyse von täglichen Klimazeitreihen in Hinblick auf „Climate Change“. 28 Seiten plus 8 Annexe
- Auer I, Jurkovic A, Orlik A, Böhm R, Korus E, Sulis A, Marchetti A, Manenti C, Dolinar M, Nadbath M, Vertacnik G, Vicar Z, Pavcic B, Geier G, Rossi G, Leichtfried A, Schellander H, Gabl K, Zardi D. 2008. High quality climate data for the assessment of Alpine climate, its variability and change on regional scale - Collection and analysis of historical climatological data and metadata Final Report FORALPS WP5: Meteo – Hydrological Forecast and Observations for improved Water Resource Management in the Alps WP 5 Data Set. http://www.zamg.ac.at/forschung/klimatologie/klima/zeitliche-klimaanalyse/foralps/
- Venema V, Mestre O, Aguilar E. 2008. Description of the COST-HOME monthly benchmark dataset with temperature and precipitation data for testing homogenisation algorithms. COST ES0601 Report, July 2008. http://www2.meteo.uni-bonn.de/mitarbeiter/venema/index.html
- Bohleber P, 2008. Age distribution and delta18-O variability in a low accumulation Alpine ice core: perspective for paleoclimate studies. Dipl. Thesis, Inst. f. Umweltphysik, Ruprecht Karls Univ. Heidelberg
- Leal S, 2008. Tree-ring growth trends in the Austrian Alps during the 20th century. PhD. Thesis, Inst. of Wood Science and Technology, Univ. of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna
- Böhm R, 2008a. Schnee im Klimawandel – Snow and Climate Change (German-English). In: Katalog zur Ausstellung „Vom Schnee“ im Winter 2008/09 im Museum Kitzbühel - Catalogue of the exhibition „On Snow“ in the Museum of Kitzbühel, Austria, 60-87
- Böhm R, 2008b. Harte und weiche Fakten zum Klimawandel – ein Überblick. In: Böhm R, Godina R, Nachtnebel HP, Pirker O, (Red.), Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die österreichische Wasserwirtschaft. Hrsg. vom BmLFUW und ÖWAV, Wien, 53-70
- Böhm R, 2008c. Harte und weiche Fakten zum Klimawandel. Der Sachverständige – Fachzeitschrift für Sachverständige, Kammern, Gerichte und Behörden, 4/2008: 170-177
- Auer I, Böhm R, Jurkovic A, Lipa W, Orlik A, Potzmann R, Schöner W, Ungersböck M, Matulla C, Briffa K, Jones PD, Efthymiadis D, Brunetti M, Nanni T, Maugeri M, Mercalli L, Mestre O, Moisselin J-M, Begert M, Müller-Westermeier G, Kveton V, Bochnicek O, Stastny P, Lapin M, Szalai S, Szentimrey T, Cegnar T, Dolinar M, Gajic-Capka M, Zaninovic K, Majstorovic Z, Nieplova E, 2007. HISTALP – Historical instrumental climatological surface time series of the greater Alpine region 1760-2003. International Journal of Climatology 27: 17-46
- Frank D, Büntgen U, Böhm R, Maugeri M, Esper J, 2007. Warmer early instrumental measurements versus colder reconstructed temperatures: shooting at a moving target. Quaternary Science Reviews 26: 3298-3310
- Zemp M, Hoelzle M, Haeberli W, 2007. Distributed modelling of the regional climatic equilibrium line altitude of glaciers in the European Alps. Global and Planetary Change 56: 83-100
- Schöner W, Böhm R, 2007. A statistical mass balance model for reconstruction of LIA ice mass for glaciers in the European Alps. Annals of Glaciology 46: 161-169
- van der Schrier G, Efthymiadis D, Briffa KR, Jones PD, 2007. European Alpine moisture variability for 1800-2003. International Journal of Climatology 27: 415-427
- Leal S, Melvin TM, Grabner M, Wimmer R, Briffa KR, 2007. Tree-ring growth variability in the Austrian Alps: the influence of site, altitude, tree species and climate. Boreas 36: 426-440
- Böhm R, Auer I. 2007. 250 Jahre Klimavariabilität in den Alpen. Wiener Mitteilungen 206: 17 – 28
- Efthymiadis D, Jones PD, Briffa K, Böhm R, Maugeri M, 2007. Influence of large-scale atmospheric circulation on climate variability in the Greater Alpine Region of Europe. Journal of Geophysical Research 112: D12104, doi: 10.1029/2006JD008021
- Böhm R, 2006. Reconstructing the climate of the 250 years of instrumental records at the northern border of the Mediterranean (the Alps). Il Nuovo Cimento 29C N1 13-20
- Hiebl J, 2006. The early instrumental climate period (1760-1860) in Europe. Evidence from the Alpine region and Southern Scandinavia. Diploma thesis, Geogr Inst, University of Vienna, 103 pages
- Brunetti M, Maugeri M, Nanni T, Auer I, Böhm R, Schöner W, 2006. Precipitation variability and changes in the greater alpine region over the 1800-2003 period. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111: doi: 10.1029/2005JD006674
- Büntgen U, Frank D, Schmidhalter M, Neuwirth B, Seifert M, Esper J, 2006a. Growth/climate response shift in a long subalpine spruce chronology. Trees 20: 99–110
- Büntgen U, Frank DC, Nievergelt D, Esper J, 2006b. Summer temperature variations in the European Alps: AD 755-2004. Journal of Climate 19: 5606-5623
- Zemp M, Haeberli W, Hoelzle M, Paul F, 2006. Alpine glaciers to disappear within decades? Geophysical Research Letters 33: L13504, doi:10.1029/2006GL026319
- Efthymiadis, D, Jones PD, Briffa KR, Auer I, Böhm R, Schöner W, Frei C, Schmidli J 2006. Construction of a 10-min-gridded precipitation data set for the Greater Alpine Region for 1800–2003, J. Geophys. Res., 111: D01105, doi:10.1029/2005JD006120
- Carrer M, Urbinati C, 2006. Long-term change in the sensitivity of tree-ring growth to climate forcing in Larix deciduas. New Phytologist (2006) doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2006.01703.x
- Frank D and Esper J, 2005a. Temperature reconstructions and comparisons with instrumental data from a tree-ring network for the European Alps. International Journal of Climatology 25: 1437–1454
- Frank D and Esper J, 2005b. Characterization and climate response patterns of a high-elevation, multi-species tree-ring network in the European Alps. Dendrochronologia 22: 107-121
- Büntgen U, Esper J, Frank D, Nicolussi K, Schmidhalter M, 2005. A 1052-year tree-ring proxy for Alpine summer temperatures. Climate Dynamics 25: 141–153
- Frank D, Wilson R, Esper J, 2005. Synchronous variability changes in Alpine temperature and tree-ring data over the past two centuries. Boreas 34: 498–505
- Casty C, Wanner H, Lutherbacher J, Esper J, Böhm R, 2005. Temperature and precipitation variability in the European Alps since 1500. International Journal of Climatology 25: 1855-1880
- Auer I, Böhm R, Jurkovic A, Orlik A, Potzmann R, Schöner W, Ungersböck M, Brunetti M, Nanni T, Maugeri M, Briffa K, Jones P, Efthymiadis D, Mestre O, Moisselin JM, Begert M, Brazdil R, Bochnicek O, Cegnar T, Gajic-Capka M, Zaninivic K, Majstorovic Z, Szalai S, Szentimrey T, 2005a. A new instrumental precipitation dataset in the greater alpine region for the period 1800-2002. International Journal of Climatology 25: 139-166
- Auer I, Matulla C, Böhm R, Ungersböck M, Maugeri M, Nanni T, Pastorelli R, 2005b. Sensitivity of frost occurence to temperature variability in the European Alps. International Journal of Climatology 25: 1749-1766
- Nicolussi K, Kaufmann M, Patzelt G, van der Plicht J, Thurner A, 2005. Holocene tree-line variability in the Kauner Valley, Central Eastern Alps, indicated by dendrochronological analysis of living trees and subfossil logs. Vegetation History Archaeobotany 14: DOI 10.1007/s00334-005-0013-y
- Wilson, R, Frank D., Topham J., Nicolussi K, Esper, J, 2005. Spatial reconstruction of summer temperatures in Central Europe for the last 500 years using annually resolved proxy records: problems and opportunities. Boreas 34: 490–497
- Matulla C, Auer I, Böhm R, Ungersböck M, Schöner W, Wagner S, Zorita E, 2005. Outstanding past decadal-scale climate events in the Greater Alpine Region analysed by 250 years data and model runs. GKSS-Report 2005/4
- Vincent C, Le Meur E, Six D, Funk M, 2005. Solving the paradox of the end of the Little Ice Age in the Alps. Geophysical Research Abstracts 32/9
- Auer I, Böhm R, Scheifinger H, Ungersböck M, Orlik A, Jurkovic A, 2004. Metadata and their role in homogenising. Proceedings of the Fourth Seminar for Homogenization and Quality Control in Climatological Databases, Budapest, Hungary, 6-10 October 2003), WCDMP-No.56, WMO-TD No.1236: 17-23, WMO Geneva
- Böhm, R, 2004. Systematische Rekonstruktion von zweieinhalb Jahrhunderten instrumentellem Klima in der größeren Alpenregion – ein Statusbericht. In: Gamerith W, Messerli P, Meusburger P, Wanner H (Hrsg.) (2004): Alpenwelt – Gebirgswelten. Inseln, Brücken, Grenzen. Tagungsbericht und wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen zum 54. Deutscher Geographentag, Bern 2003. 28.9. bis 4.10.2003. – Heidelberg, Bern. 121-131
- Auer I, Böhm R., Scheifinger H, Ungersböck M, Orlik A. and Jurkovic A. 2003a: Metadata and their role in homogenising. Fourth Seminar for Homogenization and Quality Control in Climatological Databases, Budapest, Hungary, 6-10 October 2003), WCDMP 56, WMO-TD 1236. 17-23, WMO Geneva
- Auer I, R. Böhm R, Potzmann R, Ungersböck M, 2003b. Änderung der Frosthäufigkeit in Österreich. Terra Nostra, 2003/6: 25-29
- Wanner H, Lutherbacher J, Casty C, Böhm R, Xoplaki E, 2003. Variabilität von Temperatur und Niederschlag in den Europäischen Alpen seit 1500. In: Jeanneret F, Wastl-Walter D, Wiesmann U, Schwyn M (Hrsg.), 2003. Welt der Alpen – Gebirge der Welt. Resourcen, Akteure, Perspektiven. Haupt Verlag, Bern, Stuttgart, Wien. 61-76
- Aguilar E, Auer I, Brunet M, Peterson TC, Wieringa J, 2003. Guidelines on Climate Metadata and Homogenization. World Climate Programme Data and Monitoring WCDMP 53, WMO-TD 1186, WMO. Geneva
- Ungersböck M, Orlik A, Jurkovic A. 2003. HISTALP – eine Datenbank zur kombinierten Erfassung von historischen Klimazeitreihen und deren Metadaten. Terra Nostra 2003/6: 450-452.
- Scheifinger H, Böhm R, Auer I, 2003. Räumliche Dekorrelation von Klimazeitreihen unterschiedlicher zeitlicher Auflösung und ihre Bedeutung für ihre Homogenisierbarkeit und die Repräsentativität von Ergebnissen. Terra Nostra, 2003/6: 375-379
- Böhm R, Auer I, Schöner W, Ungersböck M, Huhle C, Nanni T, Brunetti M, Maugeri M, Mercalli L, Gajic-Capka M, Zaninovic K, Szalai S, Szentimrey T, Cegnar T, Bochnicek O, Begert M, Mestre O, Moisselin JM, Müller-Westermeier G, Majstorovic Z. 2003. Der Alpine Niederschlagsdipol – ein dominierendes Schwankungsmuster der Klimavariabilität in den Scales 100 km – 100 Jahre. Terra Nostra, 2003/6: 61-65
pre 2003 (HISTALP-preliminaries):
- Schöner W, Auer I, Böhm R, Keck L, Wagenbach D, 2002. Spatial representativity of air temperature information from instrumental and ice core based isotope records in the European Alps. Annals of Glaciology 35: 157-161
- Böhm R, Auer I, Schöner W, Brunetti M, Maugeri M, Huhle C, Nanni T, 2002. Regional precipitation variability in the European Alps 1803 – 1998 from homogenised instrumental time series. Proceed. of 9th AMS Conference on Mountain Meteorology, Park City, UT, June 2002, P2.12.40008
- Koinig K, Kamenik C, Schmidt R, Agusti-Panareda A, Appleby P, 2002. Environmental changes in an alpine lake (Gossenköllesee, Austria) over the last two centuries – the influence of air temperature on biological parameters. Journal of Paleolimnology 28: 147–160
- Böhm R, Auer I, Brunetti M, Maugeri M, Nanni T, Schöner W, 2001. Regional temperature variability in the European Alps 1760-1998 from homogenized instrumental time series. International Journal of Climatology 21: 1779-1801
- Auer I, Böhm R, Schöner W, 2001a. Long Climatic Time Series from Austria. In: History and Climate – Memories of the Future? ed. by Jones PD, Ogilvie AEJ, Davies TD, Briffa KR. Kluver Academic/Plenum Publishers, 125-152
- Auer I, Böhm R, and Schöner W, 2001b. Austrian long-term climate 1767-2000 – Multiple instrumental climate time series from Central Europe. Österreichische Beiträge zu Meteorologie und Geophysik, 25: 147 pages plus Data- and Metadata- CD
- Auer I, Böhm R, and Schöner W, 2001c. Final report of EU-project ALPCLIM. Chapter 3: Instrumental Climate.
- Auer I, Böhm R, Maugeri M, 2001d. A new long-term gridded precipitation dataset for the Alps and its application for MAP and ALPCLIM. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (B) 26: 421-424
- Auer I, Böhm R, Mohnl H, Potzmann R, Schöner W, Skomorowski P, 2001e. ÖKLIM – Digitaler Klimaatlas Österreichs. CD-ROM, ZAMG
- Auer I, Böhm R, Schöner W, 1999. ALOCLIM – Austrian-Central European long-term climate. Creation of a multiple homogenised long-term climate dataset. In: Proceedings of the 2nd seminar for homogenisation of surface climatological data. Budapest, Nov.1998. WCDMP 41, WMO-TD 962: 47-71
- Peterson TC, Easterling DR, Karl TR, Groisman P, Auer I, Böhm R, Plummer N, Nicholis N, Torok S, Vincent L, Tuomenvirta H, Salinger J, Förland EJ, Hanssen-Bauer I, Alexandersson H, Jones P, Parker D, 1998. Homogeneity Adjustments of In Situ Climate Data: A Review. International Journal of Climatology, 18: 1493-1517
- Koinig KA, Schmidt R, Sommaruga-Wögrath S, Tessadri R, Psenner R, 1998a. Climate change as the primary cause for pH shifts in a high alpine lake. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 104: 167–180
- Koinig KA, Sommaruga-Wögrath S, Schmidt R, Tessadri R, Psenner R, 1998b. Acidification processes in high alpine lakes. In: Haigh MJ, Krecek J, Raijwar GS, Kilmartin MP (eds). Headwaters: Water Resources and Soil Conservation. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, 45-54
- Böhm R, 1998. Urban bias in temperature time series: A case study for the City of Vienna, Austria. Climatic Change 38: 113-128
- Greuell W. and Böhm R, 1998. 2m temperatures along melting mid-latitude glaciers, and implications for the sensitivity of the mass balance to variations in temperature. Journal of Glaciology, Vol 44, No 146: 9-20
- Wagenbach D, Böhm R, Cachier H, Haeberli W, Hoelzle M, Legrand M, Maggi V, Stocker T, 1998. Environmental and Climate Records from High Elevation Alpine Glaciers (ALPCLIM). Proceed. of ECSC (European Commission’s Science Conference), October 1998 in Vienna, CD-rom
- Böhm R, Auer I, Schöner W and Hagen M, 1998. Long alpine barometric time series in different altitudes as a measure for 19th/20th century warming. Preprints of the 8th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, in Flagstaff, Arizona. AMS, Boston, pp.72-76
- Auer I, Böhm R, Schöner W and Hagen M, 1998. 20th century increase of boundary layer turbidity derived from alpine sunshine and cloudiness series. Preprints of the 8th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, Aug.98 in Flagstaff, Arizona. AMS, Boston, pp.77-80
- Sommaruga-Wögrath S, Koinig KA, Schmidt R, Sommaruga R, Tessadri R, Psenner R, 1997. Temperature effect on the acidity of remote alpine lakes. Nature 387: 64-67
- Weber R, Talkner P, Auer I, Böhm R, Cajic-Capka M, Zaninovic K, Bradzdil R and Fasko P, 1997. 20th-Century Changes of Temperature in the Mountain Regions of Central Europe. Climate Change 36: 327-344
- Auer I, Böhm R, 1994. Combined temperature-precipitation variations in Austria during the instrumental period. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 49: 1-14
- Auer I, 1993a. Trends and variations in precipitation in Austria since 1845. Prace Geograficzne 95 173-182
- Auer I, 1993b. Niederschlagsschwankungen in Österreich. Österreichische Beiträge zu Meteorologie und Geophysik 7: 1-73
- Psenner R, Schmidt R, 1992. Climate-driven pH control of remote alpine lakes and effects of acid deposition. Nature 356: 781-783
- Böhm R, 1992. Lufttemperaturschwankungen in Österreich seit 1775. Österreichische Beiträge zu Meteorologie und Geophysik 5:1-96