Publikationen 2000
Publikationen 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | vor 1992 |
Almbauer R.A., M. Piringer, K. Baumann, D. Öttl, P.J. Sturm
Analysis of the daily variations of wintertime air pollution concentrations in the city of Graz, Austria.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 65, 79 - 87
Almbauer, R., M. Piringer
Status report of Austria. In: COST-Action 715, "Meteorology during peak pollution episodes"
Working Group 3 Status report, 11 - 16. Report EUR 19448, European Commission, Brussels, 73 pp
Baumann K.
Analyse der atmosphärischen Grenzschicht in Wien während zweier Sommersmog-Episoden mit dem Windfeldmodell TAMOSW und Grenzschichtparametrisierung
Endbericht an die Magistratsabteilung 22 der Stadt Wien. pp 75.
Baumann K., Erwin Polreich, Matthias Langer, Ulrike Pechinger
ROM project - Simulations of the boundary layer - Foehn interaction
Extended abstracts of 26th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology. Österr. Beiträge zu Meteorologie und Geophysik. Vol. 23, 392
Baumann K., H.d Maurer, G. Rau, M. Piringer, U. Pechinger, M. Furger, A. S.H. Prévôt, B. Neininger
ROM project - Air mass analysis based on PBL soundings and trajectories
Extended abstracts of 26th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology. Österr. Beiträge zu Meteorologie und Geophysik. Vol. 23, 392
Baumann K., Harald Maurer
Air mass analysis from PBL soundings and trajectories for the Rhine Valley - first results of the ROM project
MAP Newsletter, Vol. 13
Baumann K., M. Piringer, U. Pechinger
Continuous PBL measurements of the project ROM during the MAP SOP: Sodar and ultrasonic data
MAP Meeting 2000, Book of abstracts, (Ed.: T. Vrhovec,Univ. of Ljubljana), p 114.
Baumann K., Martin Piringer, U. Pechinger
Continuous PBL measurements of the project ROM during the MAP SOP: sodar and ultrasonic data
MAP Newsletter, Vol. 13
Baumann K., U. Pechinger, M. Langer, E. Polreich, H. SCheifinger
TAMOS Meteorological and Boundary Layer Parameters - Applied for Ozone Simulations in the greater Surroundings of Vienna
EURASAP Workshop on Meteorological Pre-Processing for Complex Terrain - Upscalling, 12 - 14 June 2000, Prague
Baumann K., U. Pechinger, M. Langer, E. Polreich, H. Scheifinger, W. Winiwarter
Recent developments towards an urban airshed ozone modelling system: Part1: significance of the meteorological input to the ozone model CALGRID
EUMETNET workshop on ground-level ozone forecasting. 21.- 23.2. 2000, Programme Abstracts, DWD, Langen
Erbes, E., U. Pechinger
Survey on Dispersion Models for Dangerous Substances
in: Air Poll. Modeling and its Applic. XIII. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publisher, New York.
Fricke, W., A. Fischer, J. Forrer, S. Gilge, P. Hofer, P. Jeannet, A. Kaiser, K. Kenndoff, R. Nemeth, L. Ries, P. Winkler
Filterung luftchemischer Messreihen im Alpenraum zur Charakterisierung ihrer Repräsentanz
GAW-DACH-Projekt. Berichte des DWD, 211.
GAW-DACH Arbeitsgruppe
GAW-DACH Abschlußbericht über die erste Projektphase
Endversion (wird Anfang 2000 vom DWD publiziert).
Gros, V., M. Bräunlich, T. Röckmann, P. Jöckel, P. Bergamaschi, C.A.M. Brenninkmeijer, W. Rom, W. Kutschera, A. Kaiser, H.E. Scheel, M. Mandl, J. van der Plicht, G. Possnert
Detailed analysis of the isotopic composition of CO and characterization of the air masses arriving at Mt. Sonnblick (Austrian Alps)
J. of Geophys. Research (submitted)
Kaiser, A., R. Nemeth
Luftchemische Messungen am Sonnblick: Der österreichische Beitrag zum Global Atmosphere Watch Programme der WMO
96.-97. Jahresbericht des Sonnblick-Vereines, 1988-1999, 3-21.
Kaiser. A.
Analysis of Trace Gas Measurements at Sonnblick Observatory – Austria´s Contribution to the Global Atmosphere Watch Programme of the WMO
26th Internat. Conference on Alpine Met (ICAM 2000)
Kamelander, G., H. Böck, K. Buchtela, M. Heindler, P. Hofer, W. Kromp, M. Langer, A. Masalek, U. Pechinger, H. Rabitsch, H. Rauch, G. Sdouz, G. SOnneck, M. Villa, G. Weimann
Studie über Nukleare Sicherheit und Bevölkerungsschutz
Endbericht an das BM f. Verkehr, Innovation u. Technologie, ARCS-Seibersdorf
Lexer, M.J., K. Hönninger, H. Scheifinger, Ch. Matulla, N. Groll and H. Kromp-Kolb
The Sensitivity of Central European Mountain Forests to Scenarios of Climatic Change: Methodological Frame for a Large-scale Risk Assessment
Silva Fennica 34(2): 113-129
Middleton, D. R., A. Martilli, M. Piringer
COST 715 - Working Group 2 expert meeting on surface energy balance in urban areas
Antwerp, Belgium, 12 April 2000. EURASAP Newsletter 38, 12 - 22
Pechinger U., E. Dittmann, G. Erbes, P. Johannson, A. Karppinen, L. Musson-Genon, G. Omstedt und P. Tercier
Intercomparison of methods for parameterizing components of the surface energy balance - a summary of working group 1 - COST 710 results
Int.J. of Environment and Pollution, 14, Nos. 1-6, 558-564
Pechinger U., K. Baumann, M. Langer, E. Polreich, H. Scheifinger
Entwicklung eines Modellpaketes für die Berechnung der Ozonbelastung: Abschnitt Meteorologie
Endbericht an das BM f. Wissenschaft u. Verkehr. Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik, Wien.
Pechinger U., K. Baumann, M. Langer, E. Polreich, H. Scheifinger, W. Winiwarter
Einfluß verschiedener meteorologischer Präprozessoren auf die berechneten Ozonkonzentrationen während einer Ozonepisode im Raum Wien
Symposium "Troposphärisches Ozon", February 8.-10. 2000, Braunschweig. VDI Schriftenreihe Band 32
Pechinger U., M. Langer, E. Polreich, H. Scheifinger, W. Winiwarter
Recent developments towards an urban airshed ozone modelling system: Part1: significance of the meteorological input to the ozone model CALGRID
EUMETNET workshop on ground-level ozone forecasting. 21.- 23.2. 2000, Programme Abstracts, DWD, Langen.
Pechinger, U., K. Baumann, M. Piringer, G. Rau and H. Scheifinger
ROM: The Rhine Valley Ozone Study within the MAP Foehn Campaign FORM - Overview and Selected Results
26th Intern. Conf. on Alpine Meteorology. Österr. Beiträge zu Meteorologie und Geophysik, 23, 4 (CDROM, Beitrag 1.4)
Pechinger, U., M. Langer, E. Polreich, H. Scheifinger, E. Petz
Entwicklung des mesoskaligen Krisenmodellpakets ALAMOS zur Abschätzung der Ausbreitung und Deposition radioaktiver Substanzen bei Nuklearunfällen auf Basis der meteorologischen Felder von ALADIN.
Forschungsbericht, GZ 353.012/12-VI/9/98, Bundeskanzleramt, Sektion VI, Wien
Piringer M., K. Baumann
Modifications of a valley wind system by an urban area - experimental results
Meteorol. Atmos. Phys. 71, pp 117-125
Piringer M., K. Baumann
Sodar, tethersonde, and cable car sonde measurements during the MAP Rhinevalley field experiment - first results
MST 9 - COST 76 Workshop, p 4.4.
Piringer M., K. Baumann, U. Pechinger
Overview of boundary layer soundings within project ROM during MAP IOPs
MAP Meeting 2000, Book of abstracts (Ed.: T. Vrhovec,Univ. of Ljubljana), p. 78. MAP Newsletter No. 13, 42 - 43
Piringer M., K. Baumann, U. Pechinger
An example of continuous measurements by the new tethersonde meteorological tower (TMT) system during project ROM
MAP Meeting 2000, Book of abstracts, (Ed.: T. Vrhovec,Univ. of Ljubljana), p. 86. MAP Newsletter, Vol.13, pp. 52 - 53.
Piringer M., K. Baumann, U. Pechinger
Scale interactions in meteorology - examples from Vienna and Graz
In: Mensink, C., N. Lewyckyj, J. Cools (Eds.): Proceedings of the SIMPAQ-2000 Symposium: Scale interactions in Models and Policies for Air Quality Management, 13 - 14 April 2000, Antwerp, Belgium. Report 2000/TAP/55, VITO (June 2000), 26-31
Piringer M., K. Baumann, U. Pechinger, S. Vogt
First results of the Rhine valley ozone study within MAP
Proceedings of the 9th Int. Workshop on technical and scientific aspects of MST Radar combined with COST 76 Final Profiler Workshop, 13 - 18 March 2000,Toulouse, France, 282-285
Piringer, M., K. Baumann, U. Pechinger
Project ROM: The vertical structure of the boundary layer in the Austrian Rhine valley during MAP IOPs
Extended abstracts of 26th Internat. Conf. on Alpine Meteorology, Österr. Beiträge zu Meteorologie und Geophysik 23, 5.
Rau G., K. Baumann
Airborne Measurements with the ARAT (STAAARTE 99) over the Rhine Valley before deep Foehn (IOP 8)
MAP Newsletter, Vol.13
Rau G., K. Baumann
Airborne Measurements with the ARAT (STAAARTE 99) over the Rhine Valley during deep Foehn (IOP 15)
MAP Newsletter, Vol.13
Rau G., K. Baumann
Comparison of aircraft data (STAAARTE 99) and groundbased measurements of ozone (project ROM) before the onset of South Foehn
Extended Abstracts of 26th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology. Österr. Beiträge zu Met. u. Geoph., Vol.23, No.392
Rau G., K. Baumann
Aircraft measurements (STAAARTE 99) and Cable Car Soundings (project ROM) during a South Foehn Event
Extended Abstracts of 26th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology. Österr. Beiträge zu Met. u. Geoph., Vol.23, No.392
Schauberger G., M. Piringer, E. Petz
Steady-state balance model to calculate the indoor climate of livestock buildings, demonstrated for finishing pigs
Int.J. Biometeorol. 43, pp 154-162.
Schauberger G., M. Piringer, E. Petz
Steady-state balance model to calculate the indoor climate of livestock buildings: a case study as a tool for livestock management
In: R. de Dear, J. Kalma, T. Oke, A. Auliciems (Eds.): Biometeorology and Urban Climatology at the Turn of the Millenium, Selected papers from the Conference ICB/ICUC99 (Sydney, 8-12 Nov. 1999), pp 359-363. WCASP Report 50, WMO/TD No.1026
Schauberger G., M. Piringer, E. Petz
Diurnal and annual variation of the sensation distance of odour emitted by livestock buildings calculated by the Austrian odour dispersion model (AODM)
Atmos. Environ. 34, pp 4839-4851
Schauberger, G., M. Piringer, E. Petz
Omnidirectional separation distance due to odour emission of livestock buildings calculated by the Austrian odour dispersion model (AODM)
Annual International Meeting, American Society of Agricultural Engineering, July 9 - 12, 2000, Milwaukee, USA. ASAE Paper No. 4029, 1 - 21
Schauberger, G., M. Piringer, E. Petz
Dynamic model of the indoor climate of livestock buildings: a case study for fattening pigs.
Proc. of the 1st Int. Conf. On Swine Housing, Iowa, October 2000, 340 - 347
Scheifinger H. and H. Kromp-Kolb
Modelling Global Radiation in Complex Terrain: Comparing two Statistical Approaches
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 100, 2-3, 127-136
Scheifinger H., K. Baumann, U. Pechinger
A statistical interpolation scheme to generate 2D and 3D meteorological pre - processor input fields from routine meteorological data
EURASAP Workshop contribution, 12 – 14.6.2000, Prague.
Öttl D., R.A. Almbauer, P.J. Sturm, M. Piringer, K. Baumann
Analysing the nocturnal wind field in the city of Graz
Atmos.Env., Vol.35, 379 - 387