Publikationen 2017
Publikationen 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | vor 1992 |
Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Piringer, M., Knauder, W. , Petz, E. and Schauberger, G. (2017): Odour dispersion modeling with Lagrangian and Gaussian models. Austrian Contributions to Veterinary Epidemiology 9, 63-71.
Rotach, M. W., Stiperski, I., Fuhrer, O., Goger, B., Gohm, A., Obleitner, F., Rau, G., Sfyri, E. and Vergeiner, J. (2017): Investigating Exchange Processes over Complex Topography (+ Supplement). Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, April 2017.
Wu, C., Liu, J., Zhao, P., Li, W., Yan, L., Piringer, M., and Schauberger, G. (2017): Evaluation of chemical composition and correlation of the calculated and the measured concentration of odorous gases on a landfill in Beijing, China. Atmospheric Environment 164, 337-347.
Vitt, R., Weber, L., Zollitsch, W., Hörtenhuber, S.J., Baumgartner, J., Niebuhr, K., Piringer, M., Anders, I., Andre, K., Hennig-Pauka, I., Schönhart, M. and Schauberger, G. (2017): Modelled performance of energy saving air treatment devices to mitigate heat stress for confined livestock buildings in Central Europe. Biosystems Engineering 164, 85-97.
Wu, C., Liu, J., Zhao, P., Yan, L., Piringer, M. and Schauberger, G. (2017): Conversion of the chemical concentration into odour concentration: evaluation of the key parameters. Austrian Contributions to Veterinary Epidemiology 9, 15-19.
Sokhi, R. S., Baklanov, A. and Piringer, M. (Eds.) (2017): Special Issue of Journal of Urban Climate: Modelling of urban air pollution and climate interactions. Urban Climate 22.
Baumann-Stanzer, K. (2017): Vorhersage und Analyse von großräumigem Transport von Luftbeimengungen. Umwelt-Workshop, Innsbruck, 29.3.17 und Salzburg, 30.3.17
Baumann-Stanzer, K. (2017): Long-range transport to summits north, south and at the Eastern Alpine divide – an outstanding Sahara dust event; ICAM 2017; Reykjavik, Island; 23.6.2017
Baumann-Stanzer, K. und Piringer, M. (2017): Meteorologische Informationen bei Notfällen mit gefährlichen Freisetzungen in die Atmosphäre. Workshop beim Land Burgenland, Eisenstadt, 6.11.2017
Baumann-Stanzer, K. und Scherllin-Pirscher, B. (2017): Aerosol modelling activities with WRF-Chem at ZAMG. Aerosolforschungsworkshop Wien, TU Wien, 16.11.2017
Piringer, M. (2017): Bestimmung von Ausbreitungsklassen mittels Ceilometer- und Satellitendaten. Umwelt-Workshop, Innsbruck, 29.3.17 und Salzburg, 30.3.17
Piringer, M. (2017): Der österreichische peak-to-mean Ansatz bei der Geruchsausbreitung. Umwelt-Workshop, Innsbruck, 29.3.17 und Salzburg, 30.3.17
Piringer, M. (2017): Odour legislation in Austria. Workshop on Odour Legislation; Krakau, Polen; 19.4.17
Piringer, M. (2017): Odour dispersion modelling with Lagrangian and Gaussian models; Workshop on Odour Legislation; Krakau, Polen; 19.4.17
Piringer, M. (2017): Separation distances calculated with a Lagrangian and a Gaussian model; 2nd Int. Odour Conference; Krakau, Polen; 20.4.17
Piringer, M. (2017): Interpretation von Ceilometer-Rückstreuprofilen; ACG; Wien; 15.5.2017
Piringer, M. (2017): PM10 Spitzen in Wien; UBA-Fachdialog; Wien; 15.5.2017
Piringer, M. (2017): Umweltmeteorologie – ein Überblick; Naturwiss. Verein für Kärnten; Klagenfurt; 29.5.2017
Piringer, M. (2017): Boundary-layer profiling with ceilometers in complex terrain; ICAM 2017; Reykjavik, Island; 22.6.2017
Piringer, M. (2017): Fugitive methane emissions from biogas plants – results of a field experiment; EMS 2017; Dublin; 4.9.2017
Piringer, M. (2017): Dept. of Environmental Met. at ZAMG -Duties and Interests; Seminar an der Univ. for Science and Technology ; Beijing; 17.10.2017
Piringer, M. (2017): Odour dispersion modelling with a focus on the peak-to-mean approach; Academy of Environmental Sciences; Tianjin, China; 18.10.2017
Piringer, M. (2017): Odour dispersion modelling with a focus on the meteorological input; 3rd Chinese-Austrian workshop on Odour Dispersion; Beijing; 19.10.2017
Baumann-Stanzer, K. (2017): Environmental Research and Monitoring at Sonnblick Observatory. ICAM 2017, Rekjavik, Island, 19.-23.6.2017
Flandorfer, C. (2017): Evaluation and comparision of O3 and PM10 forecasts of ALARO-CAMx and WRF-Chem. EGU 2017, Wien, 27.4.2017
Piringer, M. (2017): Using a small network of ceilometers in Austria to investigate a Saharan dust episode in April 2016. EMS 2017, Dublin, 4.-5.9.2017
Rau, G. et al. (2017): Erneuerung der ÖNORM M9440 – Ausbreitungsbedingungen für Modelle. MeteorologInnentag 2017, Graz, 9.-10.11.2017
Skomorowski, P., Baumann-Stanzer, K. and Polreich, E. (2017): Comparison of atmospheric transport models (ATM) used in decision support in the framework of the Austrian Radiological Emergency Response preparedness. CTBT Science and Technology 2017 Conference, Wien, 26.- 30.6.2017