Publikationen 2016
Publikationen 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | vor 1992 |
Baumann-Stanzer, K., Skomorowski, P., Polreich, E., Trini Castelli, S., Leitl, B., Carny, P. & COST ES1006 Members (2016): Atmospheric transport models for hazardous releases: variability and uncertainties – findings of COST Action ES1006 and operational experiences. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 48, 6 pp.
Dumitrache, R. C., Iriza, A., Maco, B. A., Barbu, C. D., Hirtl, M., Mantovani, S., Nicola, O., Irimescu, A., Craciunescu, V., Ristea, A. & Diamandi, A. (2016): Study on the influence of ground and satellite observations on the numerical air-quality for \PM10\ over Romanian territory. Atmospheric Environment, 143, 278 - 289.
Lotteraner, C. & Piringer, M. (2016): Mixing-Height Time Series from Operational Ceilometer Aerosol-Layer Heights. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 161, 265-287.
Piringer, M., Knauder, W., Petz, E. & Schauberger, G. (2016):Berechnung von Schutzabständen für Tierhaltungsbetriebe mit zwei Ausbreitungsmodellen. DACH Meteorologentagung Berlin, 14.-18. März 2016, Programmheft p.43.
Piringer, M., Knauder, W., Petz, E. & Schauberger, G. (2016a): Factors influencing separation distances against odour annoyance calculated by Gaussian and Lagrangian dispersion models. Atmospheric Environment, 140, 69 - 83.
Piringer, M., Knauder, W., Petz, E. A. & Schauberger, G.B. (2016b): Determining separation distances to avoid odour annoyance with two models for a site in complex terrain. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 54, 7-12.
Piringer, M. & Lotteraner, C. (2016): Mischungshöhen aus Ceilometerdaten über Wien im Vergleich zum Umland. DACH Meteorologentagung Berlin, 14.-18. März 2016, Programmheft p.42.
Renard, J. B., Dulac, F., Berthet, G., Lurton, T., Vignelles, D., Jégou, F., Tonnelier, T., Jeannot, M., Couté, B., Akiki, R., Verdier, N., Mallet, M., Gensdarmes, F., Charpentier, P., Mesmin, S., Duverger, V., Dupont, J. C., Elias, T., Crenn, V., Sciare, J., Zieger, P., Salter, M., Roberts, T., Giacomoni, J., Gobbi, M., Hamonou, E., Olafsson, H., Dagsson-Waldhauserova, P., Camy-Peyret, C., Mazel, C., D'ecamps, T., Piringer, M., Surcin, J. & Daugeron, D. (2016): LOAC: a small aerosol optical counter/sizer for ground-based and balloon measurements of the size distribution and nature of atmospheric particles – Part 1: Principle of measurements and instrument evaluation. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 9, 1721-1742.
Renard, J., Dulac, F., Berthet, G., Lurton, T., Vignelles, D., Jégou, F., Tonnelier, T., Thaury, C., Jeannot, M., Couté, B., Akiki, R., Verdier, N., Mallet, M., Gensdarmes, F., Charpentier, P., Mesmin, S., Duverger, V., Dupont, J. C., Elias, T., Crenn, V., Sciare, J., Giacomoni, J., Gobbi, M., Hamonou, E., Olafsson, H., Dagsson-Waldhauserova, P., Camy-Peyret, C., Mazel, C., Décamps, T., Piringer, M., Surcin, J. & Daugeron, D. (2015): LOAC: a small aerosol optical counter/sizer for ground-based and balloon measurements of the size distribution and nature of atmospheric particles – Part 2: First results from balloon and unmanned aerial vehicle flights. Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss, 8, 10057-10096.
Schauberger, G. A., Piringer, M. B. & Petz, E.A. (2016b): Influence of the variability of the odour emission rate on the separation distance shown for the irish odour impact criterion. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 54, 193-198.
Schauberger, G., Piringer, M. & Petz, E. (2016a): Influence of the Variability of the Odour Emission Rate on the Separation Distance Shown for the Irish Odour Impact Criterion. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS, 54, 6 pp.
Wu, C., Liu, J., Zhao, P., Piringer, M. & Schauberger, G. (2016a): Determination of the Odour Concentration and Odour Intensity of a Mixture of Odorous Substances by Chemical Concentrations: a Comparison of Methods. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS, 54, 6 pp.
Wu, C., Liu, J., Zhao, P., Piringer, M. & Schauberger, G. (2016b): Conversion of the chemical concentration of odorous mixtures into odour concentration and odour intensity: A comparison of methods. Atmospheric Environment, 127, 283-292.