Publikationen 2010
Publikationen 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | vor 1992 |
Gilge, S., Plass-Duelmer, C., Fricke, W., Kaiser, A., Ries, L. and Buchmann, B. , 2010: Ozone, Carbon monoxide and Nitrogen oxides time series at four Alpine GAW mountain stations in Central Europe. Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 10, 19071-19127, doi:10.5194/acpd-10-19071-2010.
Hirtl, M., Krüger, B.C. , 2010: CAMx Simulations With Different Resolutions In Flatland And Complex Terrain For Austria. EGU - General Assembly 3-7 May 2010, Vienna, Austria.
Hirtl, M., Krüger, B.C. , 2010: PM10 forecasts for Austria – CAMx simulations with different resolutions in flatland and complex terrain. Proceedings of the 12th Int. Conf. on Harmonisation, 1-4 June 2010, Paris, France, p 138-142.
Hirtl, M., Krüger, B.C., Pechinger, U., Skomorowski, P. , 2010: Air Quality Model for Austria - results from COST 728 case studies and evaluation. WMO Secretariat, Geneva, Switzerland, 25-26 February 2010.
Kaiser, A., Scheifinger, H , 2010: Die regionale GAW Station Hoher Sonnblick: Trends von Spurengasen – Interpretation und Ausblick. Forschung im Hochgebirge. Ergebnisse aktueller Projekte am Sonnblick Observatorium und ein Blick über die Grenzen, 20.-21.10.2009, ÖAW. Wien. Sonnblick Homepage (noch ausständig).
Piringer, M. and Lotteraner, C. , 2010: Boundary-Layer investigations with RASS and ceilometers in the Vienna area. Ext. Abstract to the 15th Int. Symposium for the Advancement of Boundary Layer Remote Sensing (ISARS 2010).
Piringer, M., Polreich, E., Schüler, S. and Robitschek, K. , 2010: An episodic event of pollen transport of European beech. Advances in Science and Research 4, 1 – 3.
Piringer, M., Schauberger, G., Petz, E. and Jovanovic, O. , 2010: Regional differences of separation distances between livestock buildings and residential areas in Austria and comparison to the Austrian Odour Dispersion Model. Chemical Engineering Transactions 23, 105 – 110. DOI: 10.3303/CET1023018.
Schatzmann, M., Olesen, H., Franke, J., … Baumann-Stanzer, K., Piringer, M. et al. , 2010: COST 732 model evaluation case studies: approach and results. COST Office 2010, 121 pp. ISBN 3-00-018312-4.
Stenzel, S., Baumann-Stanzer, K., Gashi, S., Thaci, B., Bathvarova, E. & Spassova, T. (2010). Dispersion modeling of accidentally released toxic gases.. In KAIP (Ed.), Joint Research and Technology Development (Volume , pp. 47-59). KAIP.