Publikationen 2007
Publikationen 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | vor 1992 |
Becker, A., Wotawa, G., De Geer, L.-E., Seibert, P., Draxler, R. R., Sloan, C., D'Amours, R., Hort, M., Glaab, H., Heinrich, P., Grillon, Y., Shershakov, V., Katayama, K., Zhang, Y., Stewart, P., Hirtl, M., Jean, M. und Chen, P., 2007: Global backtracking of anthropogenic radionuclides by means of a receptor oriented ensemble dispersion modelling system in support of Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty verification. Atmos. Environ. 41, 4520-4534.
Britter, R., M. Schatzmann (Eds), 2007: Model evaluation guidance and protocol document. Contributing authors (from list): Baumann-Stanzer, K., Piringer, M.. COST Action 732, report ISBN: 3-00-018312-4, 27 pp.
Britter, R., Schatzmann M. (Eds), 2007: Background and justification document to support the model evaluation guidance and protocol. Contributing authors (from list): Baumann-Stanzer, K. und Piringer, M.. COST Action 732, report ISBN: 3-00-018312-4, 87 pp.
Drobinski, P., Steinacker, R., Richner, H., Baumann-Stanzer, K., Beffrey, G., Benech, B., Berger, H., Chimani, B., Dabas, A., Dorninger, M., Duerr, B., Flamant, C., Frioud, M., Furger, M., Groehn, I., Gubser, S., Gutermann, T., Haeberli, C., Haeller-Scharnhost, E., Jaubert, G., Lothon, M., Mitev, V., Pechinger, U., Piringer, M., Ratheiser, M., Ruffieux, D., Seiz, G., Spatzierer, M., Tschannett, S., Vogt, S., Werner R. und Zaengl, G., 2007: Foehn in the Rhine Valley during MAP: A review of its multiscale dynamics in complex valley geometry. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 133, 897-916.
Emeis, S., Baumann-Stanzer, K., Piringer, M., Kallistratova, M., Kouznetsov, R. und Yushkov, V., 2007: Wind and turbulence in the urban boundary layer analysis from acoustic remote sensing data and fit to analytical relations. Meteorologische Zeitschrift 16,4, 393-406(14).
Franke, J., Hellsten, A., Schlünzen, H. und Carissimo, B. (Eds), 2007: Best practice guideline fort he CFD simulation of flows in the urban environment. Contributing authors (from list): K. Baumann-Stanzer, M. Piringer. COST Action 732, report ISBN: 3-00-018312-4, 51 pp.
Hirtl, M. und Baumann-Stanzer, K., 2007: Evaluation of two dispersion models (ADMS-Roads and LASAT) applied to street canyons in Stockholm, London and Berlin. Atmos. Environ. 41, 5959-5971.
Hirtl, M., Baumann-Stanzer, K., Kaiser, A., Petz, E. und Rau, G., 2007: Evaluation of three dispersion models for the Trbovlje power plant, Slovenia. Proceedings of the 11th Int. Conf. on Harmonisation, 2-5 July 2007, Cambridge, UK, p 21-25.
Hirtl, M., Baumann-Stanzer, K. und Krüger, B.C., 2007: Operational Ozone Forecasts for Austria. EGU - General Assembly 16.-20.4. 2007, Vienna, Austria.
Hirtl, M., Baumann-Stanzer, K., Krüger, B.C., 2007: Operational ozone forecasts for Austria. COST728/NetFAM workshop on “Integrated systems of meso-meteorological and chemical transport models”. 21-23 May 2007, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Hirtl M., P. Skomorowski, K. Baumann-Stanzer and B. C. Krüger, 2007: Operational air quality forecasts with ALADIN and CAMx for Austria, EMS7/ECAM8 Abstracts, Vol. 4, EMS2007-A-00457.
Kaiser, A., 2007: Feinstaubbelastung in Städten – Ferntransport oder lokale Quellen? Untersuchungen der Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik zur Feinstaubproblematik. Euro Kommunal 9-2007: 74-75.
Kaiser, A., 2007: Zwischenbericht über die Strahlungsbilanzmessungen an der Immissionsmessstelle Kittsee und ihre Anwendung zur Bestimmung von Ausbreitungsklassen. ZAMG, Zl.: 4318/05-U.
Kaiser, A., Scheifinger, H., Spangl, W., Weiss, A., Gilge, S., Fricke, W., Ries, L., Cemas, D. and Jesenovec, B., 2007: Transport of nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and ozone to the Alpine Global Atmosphere Watch stations Jungfraujoch (Switzerland), Zugspitze and Hohenpeissenberg (Germany), Sonnblick (Austria) and Mt. Krvavec (Slovenia). A contribution to the GAW-DACH co-operation. Atmos. Env., 41, 9273–9287
Nagl, C., Böhmer, S., Gugele, B., Kaiser, A., Petz, E., Scheifinger, H., Spangl, W., Schneider, J. und Wappel, D., 2007: Einfluss von Punktquellen auf die Luftqualität in Nordost-Österreich – Endbericht. Umweltbundesamt, REP-0105,
Piringer, M., Joffre, S., Baklanov, A., Christen, A., Deserti, M., De Ridder, K., Emeis, S., Mestayer, P., Tombrou, M., Middleton, D., Baumann-Stanzer, K., Dandou, A., Karppinen, A. und Burzynski, J., 2007: The surface energy balance and the mixing height in urban areas – activities and recommendations of COST-Action 715. Bound.-Layer Meteor. 124: 3-24.
Piringer, M., Petz, E., Groehn, I. und Schauberger, G., 2007: A sensitivity study of separation distances calculated with the Austrian Odour Dispersion Model (AODM). Atmos. Environ. 41, 1725-1735.
Scheifinger, H., und Kaiser A., 2007: Validation of trajectory statistical methods. Atmos. Env. 41, 846-8856.
Seibert P., und Skomorowski P., 2007: Untersuchung der orographischen Besonderheiten der Probennahmestellen Schauinsland und Freiburg und deren Auswirkungen auf die Genauigkeit von adjungierten atmosphärischen Ausbreitungsrechnungen. Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, Salzgitter / Freiburg, 194 pp.
Seibert P., und Skomorowski P., 2007: Comparison of receptor-oriented dispersion calculations based on ECMWF data and nested MM5 simulations for the Schauinsland monitoring station., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, 05421.